All products you have purchased from Art Makers3D, www.artmakers3d.com website and shop are under warranty by our company. If there is any problem with your purchased product, you must apply to our company with your invoice to solve the problem.
Refund Conditions
You can return the product you have purchased from our website www.artmakers3d.com by stating the reason with the following conditions:
* The return process starts with the delivery of the product to you and is valid for ten (10) days following the invoice date.
* The returned product or products must be sent to us complete with their accessories and accessories.
* After sending the product to be returned, Art Makers3D customer representative will follow up and inform you as soon as possible.
* After the refund is accepted, the amount you have paid will be transferred to your bank account or credit card account within seven (7) business days. You need to talk to your bank about the reflection on your credit card.
The product from you is first examined by the Return Department. If the return conditions are suitable, the return process is started. The duration of this process varies between 3 and 10 business days. When the return process is approved, you will be informed by phone and an exchange document, a different product receipt document or a refund will be made so that you can place a new order depending on your request.